Please tell us if you have any concerns or complaints about our service. We at Dodo are committed to providing excellent customer service. To do that we need to know where things are going wrong, and we need you to help us.
Please tell us about any concerns, problems, or complaints you may have about our products or services. We also welcome any helpful comments or compliments you may want to make about our staff or products. We take your feedback seriously, as we think it is the best way for us to identify and correct our problems, all of which will help improve our service to you.
If you have a complaint relating to our service, please contact us and we will respond quickly and work to satisfy your concerns.
Dodo Power & Gas aims to resolve all telephone enquiries and complaints at the initial contact stage. If we are unable to do so, we will notify you immediately and advise you when the matter is resolved. All written enquiries are answered within five business days.
Please call us on call 13 Dodo (13 36 36) and let one of our customer service representatives know about your problem or complaint. We will try to resolve your problem right away, and if we cannot, we will take steps to get the problem resolved as quickly as possible. We will acknowledge receipt of your written (mail/fax/email) complaint within 48 working hours. We will seek to provide a fair and reasonable resolution in a welcoming and courteous manner at the first contact. In the event we are unable to resolve your complaint at first contact, we will explain why and give you a timeframe if at all possible. We will also advise you of our follow up processes to keep you informed of the progress of your complaint.
[email protected] - Enquiries and Complaints If you have a complaint that you would like resolved, you can e-mail this address. Please provide your username, account number, date of birth, contact phone number, your address, and details of your complaint.
[email protected] - Privacy complaints If your complaint relates to how we have collected, held, used or disclosed personal information, or you wish to know what personal information we hold about you, please address your complaint our Privacy Compliance Officer.
You can also send us a letter detailing your concern or complaint to:
Dodo Power & Gas Complaints Team
P.O. Box 631
Collins St West VIC 8007
Remember - we are always happy to provide you with a written response, all you need to do is ask.
If you are unhappy with our efforts to resolve your complaint or problem, then you have the right to ask to have your complaint referred to a higher level within our customer service centre. We will have one of our complaint managers review your problem and provide you with a prompt response. You can also get an independent review of your complaint. If you remain unhappy with our resolution of your complaint, you also have the right to refer the complaint to the Energy Ombudsman for your State. The Energy Ombudsman service is a free and independent alternative dispute resolution scheme for small business and residential consumers who have a complaint about their electricity or gas service.
Energy and Water Ombudsman
(for complaints you can't resolve with Dodo Power & Gas)
Energy and Water Ombudsman (Victoria) Ltd (EWOV)
Freecall: 1800 500 509 Freefax: 1800 500 549
Email: [email protected]
Mail: Reply Paid 469 Melbourne VIC 8060
Energy and Water Ombudsman (NSW) Ltd (EWON)
Freecall: 1800 246 545 Freefax: 1800 812 291
Email: [email protected]
Freepost: Reply Paid 86550, Sydney South NSW 1234
Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland (EWOQ)
Freecall: 1800 662 837 (calls from mobile phones may attract charges)
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: (07) 3087 9477
Write to: PO Box 3640, South Brisbane BC, QLD 4101
Energy and Water Ombudsman South Australia (EWOSA)
Freecall: 1800 665 565 (calls from mobile phones may attract charges)
E-mail: [email protected]
Write to: GPO Box 2947 Adelaide 5001
All States
Interpreter Services - 131 450
National Relay Service - 133 677